Lawyers Marbella

Obtaining the NIE

The NIE (Foreigner Identity Number) is an identification number of a foreign person who has a residence licence in Spain. This is a unique number for each person and must be used in any official documentation that is issued or processed.

Obtaining the NIE

This id will be granted in the following cases:

  • Foreigners in whose favour a procedure is initiated in order to obtain a document which authorizes them to remain in Spanish territory.
  • Foreign people with filed academic records.
  • All those foreigners who for reasons of economic, professional or social interest have a relationship with Spain.
    • The NIE is requested and granted by the General Directorate of Police.

      In the event of requesting the NIE for economic, professional or social reasons, applications must be submitted through the following channels:

      • In person by the interested in Spain.
      • Presented by a representative valid in Spain.
      • Presented through diplomatic representative offices or Spanish consulates which are located in the country of residence of who requests it.

      Likewise, it will be necessary to provide the application with mandatory documentation:

      • Standard application form (model EX15) completed and signed by the applicant.
      • Passport and photocopy, or identity document, travel certificate or registration card in force.
      • Explanation of the economic, professional or social causes that motivate the application.
      • If the request is submitted by a representative, it must provide the necessary documentation proving that it is entitled to exercise such representation.

      It is necessary to take into account that this kind of procedures requires a delay time, so our recommendation is starting them as soon as possible, as soon as you are aware of the need to obtain this number.

      From our law corporation we will be able to advise you and help you with all the necessary steps to obtain the NIE in the shortest possible time.

      Do not hesitate to contact us to answer your doubts and get personalized advice.