Lawyers Marbella

Nationality by marriage-English lawyer in Spain

Nationality by marriage in Spain

One of the ways to acquire Spanish nationality is by being legally married to a Spanish citizen. Although normally the term to obtain the nationality is of 10 years of residence, it can be reduced to a year when the marriage is contracted. This is what Article 22 of the Civil Code says: 'One year residence time will suffice for: (...) who, at the time of application, will be married for one year to Spanish or Spanish and not legally or de facto separated. '
We want to point out some aspects of this topic:

  • In the first place, it is necessary to count on the fact that marrying does not automatically make a person obtain Spanish nationality, but must wait a year to apply for said nationality.
  • It will also be necessary, as we have seen, to be living legally in Spain.
  • At the time of contracting marriage, if this is done through the Civil procedure, a matrimonial file must first be made. In this file it is possible that questions are asked to the future spouses, to determine that the marriage is not made in fraud of law (marriages for convenience).

It is important to know that, although we are married to a Spaniard, we will also have to take the nationality exams that are required of foreigners. The link with a Spanish language serves to reduce the period of obtaining nationality, but does not exempt the performance of these tests. However, in some cases a dispensation can be requested from the Ministry of Justice, for example, if the person does not know how to read or write, if they have learning difficulties or if they were schooled in Spain and passed Compulsory Secondary Education.

Immigration lawyer request nationality

Our advice is that if you want to apply for Spanish nationality, be it by marriage, residence or for any other reason, get in touch with us. We are english lawyers as many years of experience, so we will help you do the process. If you want more information or want to resolve any doubt, you just have to request an appointment by phone or through the following web form.